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Study your MSc Global Business at SPJ London


Maximise your potential for business success 

Five reasons to choose SPJ London

1. A truly global learning experience

What sets SPJ London's MSc Global Business apart is the opportunity it offers for unique learning experiences, not limited to London but also extending to Dubai, where the campus of our sister school, SP Jain Global, is located.

As a leading global business hub, Dubai presents a unique opportunity for students to develop a comprehensive understanding of the global market and gain practical experience in a dynamic and fast-paced environment.

For those who prefer to stay in London, the option to complete all terms there is also available.

Travel bursaries for UK students

We believe that travel can provide valuable opportunities, and we are committed to helping students make the most of their SPJ London experience. To assist with this, we will offer travel bursaries of £4,000 to applicants from the UK who opt to undertake a term in Dubai. The bursary is intended to cover travel and living costs.

Leadership learning

2. Leadership learning

Leadership learning

Our programme takes a practical approach to learning by integrating student boardrooms and business simulations into the curriculum from day one. These activities will expose you to real-time business challenges, allowing you to develop critical problem-solving skills and explore new approaches to leadership and decision-making. You will learn to create value in a fast-paced and disruptive digital environment, which is increasingly becoming the norm in the business world.

Our programme also provides hands-on learning through internships*(we do not guarantee internships) and consulting projects. We believe that this combination of theory and practical application is essential for developing well-rounded business leaders equipped to handle the challenges of an uncertain world.

As an MGB student at SPJ London, you can expect a higher level of engagement with the curriculum, with 18 contact hours per week, compared to the average of 12 hours per week in UK business schools.


3. Business-ready courses

Business-ready Courses

Our students engage with senior executives and company leaders on live business issues, relating theory to practice and gaining first-hand exposure to the policies, regulations and cultural nuances that impact contemporary business decisions.

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Focused internships

4. Focused internships*

Our programme offers you the opportunity to gain practical experience and enhance your career prospects while working alongside experienced professionals in the field. 

During the four-month internship*, which may be done at any location, you will have the chance to work on challenging projects and make meaningful contributions to companies. You will gain exposure to different business practices, industries and cultures and develop a deeper understanding of the workplace.

Students are coached during their internship* by a corporate mentor and an academic mentor. This collaborative effort ensures that students receive personalised guidance and support throughout their internship*, resulting in a high-quality work-integrated learning experience.

In addition, the internship* provides an opportunity to build a strong network of professional contacts, which can be beneficial when seeking full-time career opportunities after graduation.

Note: Our Career Services Offices will provide assistance in securing internships, which may potentially lead to full-time employment opportunities. However, this is not a guaranteed outcome of the program, and the availability of internship opportunities depends on various factors, including prevailing labour laws. 

5. A global alumni network

Upon graduation, you will have access to SP Jain Global's alumni network of 10,000+ members across 50+ countries. This network will be your gateway to a lifelong journey of learning, networking and business success.

SP Jain Global's alumni are leading professionals and entrepreneurs, and they are passionate about mentoring current students and fellow alumni. As an SPJ London graduate, you will have unparalleled opportunities to connect with this global network, share insights and experiences, and build lasting professional relationships. 

Being part of the SP Jain Global alumni network also means having access to exclusive industry events, webinars, and workshops. These events provide unique learning and networking opportunities, further enhancing your post-graduation journey and fostering your professional growth. 

A global alumni network

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a year of change

Start your global business journey

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The MSc Global Business is a full-time programme that does not permit students to work and study simultaneously.

You can apply for the MSc Global Business programme prior to receiving your final results. You can also go through the evaluation process. However, until you receive your results, you can only be given a conditional offer.

No. You can apply for two specialisations in a single application. Submitting more than one application is not allowed and could lead to disqualification of a candidate's admission.