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BMT: Programme structure


A 21st century curriculum to help you excel as a global leader

Get ahead of the curve

Our programme curriculum is benchmarked against the world's best universities, developing competitive graduates.

Curriculum summary

The program aims to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to effectively utilize technology to drive organizational success, innovation, and competitive advantage. Students will develop the interpersonal and entrepreneurial skills required in industry as well as an understanding and awareness of ethical, legal, and social issues.
Specific aims of the Business and Management Technology degree include:

  • Bridging Business and Technology: Foster an in-depth understanding of how technology can be strategically employed to enhance business processes, decision-making, and overall organisational performance. The program emphasises the importance of aligning technology initiatives with business objectives.
  • Technological Literacy: Develop students' proficiency in various technologies commonly used in modern business environments. This includes gaining hands-on experience with software applications, information systems, data analytic tools, project management software, and other relevant technologies.
  • Strategic Thinking: Develop a strategic mind-set that enables students to identify opportunities for technology-driven innovation, assess the impact of emerging technologies on business models, and formulate strategies for leveraging technology to achieve organizational goals.
  • Problem-solving and Decision-making: Enhance students critical thinking and problem- solving skills, particularly in the context of technology-related challenges. Students learn to analyse complex problems, apply appropriate technological solutions, and make informed decisions based on data-driven insights. Students will develop the ability to evaluate risks and benefits associated with technology implementations.
  • Leadership and Management: Cultivate effective leadership and management skills in students, enabling them to lead technology initiatives, manage technology-driven projects, and inspire teams to adopt and adapt to technological changes.
  • Ethical and Social Responsibility: Develop an understanding of the ethical and social implications of technology in business. Students learn to navigate ethical dilemmas, consider the impact of technology on stakeholders, and develop strategies for the responsible and sustainable use of technology.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Develop the ability to effectively collaborate and communicate in technology-enabled environments. Students learn to work in cross- functional teams, utilize communication and collaboration tools, and adapt their communication styles to various stakeholders. Students will develop strong interpersonal skills to facilitate successful teamwork.
  • Adaptability and Lifelong Learning: Cultivate a mind-set of adaptability and continuous learning in students. As technology rapidly evolves, graduates should be equipped with the skills and attitude to stay abreast of technological advancements and adapt to changing business environments.

The aim of the Business and Management Technology degree program is to equip graduates with the skills and knowledge to navigate the dynamic intersection of business and technology. By fostering a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between these domains, the program cultivates the ability to drive innovation, growth, and success in diverse industries.


Programme Structure

Students must earn 360 credits to fulfil the requirements of the 3-year BMT programme. Credits are a way of measuring the amount of academic work you complete as part of your degree programme. You gain credits for each module you complete. Each credit represents the successful completion of a module's learning outcomes and requirements. To learn more about credits and how they contribute to your degree, please click here.

Core subjects








Regional Immersion Projects




Action Learning /
New start-up Project







As a BMT student at SPJ London, you can expect a higher level of engagement with the curriculum, with 18 contact hours per week, compared to the average of 12 hours per week in UK business schools. Contact hours refer to the time you spend in face-to-face teaching sessions with our expert academic staff, giving you ample opportunities to deepen your understanding of the subjects, ask questions, and participate in lively discussions.



Programme Intended Learning Outcomes


On successful completion of the named award, students will be able to:

  • Analyse business and management issues from the perspective of a number of social science disciplines
  • Formulate and develop arguments on the intersection of business management and technology.
  • Identify key technologies and business disruptive technology models shaping modern business environments.
  • Analyse how technology influences management practices and decision-making.
  • Critically evaluate the impact of technology on strategic planning and competitive advantage.


On successful completion of the named award, students will be able to:

  • Analyse, synthesise and critically evaluate a range of business data and theories Analyze and optimize business processes through the integration of technology.
  • Utilize technology tools to improve efficiency, productivity, and quality in various organizational functions.
  • Identify opportunities for process automation and streamlining using technology solutions.
  • Clearly communicate different approaches to problem solving and the outcomes of those approaches to a variety of audiences.
  • Generate recommendations for the integration of business and technology.


On successful completion of the named award, students will be able to:

  • Develop leadership skills to effectively manage teams and individuals in technology-oriented settings.
  • Systematically understand the unique challenges and opportunities of leading in a digital and globalized world.
  • Apply ethical principles and social responsibility in technology-related leadership decisions.
  • Use information technology (spreadsheets, word processing, online databases and AI technology, such as ChatGPT) appropriately.
  • Manage their own learning by working effectively to deadlines.
  • Communicate effectively.


On successful completion of the named award, students will be able to:

  • Evaluate the social impact of technology on individuals, organizations, and society at large.
  • Develop strategies for responsible and sustainable use of technology in management.
  • Analyse case studies to understand how organizations leverage technology for strategic positioning.


Assessment methods are specified in each module outline and are designed to measure attainment of intended learning outcomes to meet the aims and objectives of the module. Assessments are designed to appraise individual capabilities fairly and consistently bearing in mind the learner profile. We use grading rubrics for assessments (made available to students) to assure consistent and transparent grading and feedback to students. Lecturers communicate their expectations clearly to students via an assessment brief and use explicit schema to facilitate consistency of marking within and between modules and to ensure good feedback on individual performance.

Assessments include a mixture of formative and summative assessments. Formative assessments are up to 2 pieces of assessment that lead students towards the summative assessment, for example a short Q&A test, a research task or classroom polls. These help students to identify gaps in their learning which they will need to close to complete the summative assessment. Formative assessments are small tasks that monitor ongoing learning and for which students receive feedback in a timely manner, often immediately, or within 2 weeks electronically. By providing details of formative assessments, students know what to expect from the module and potentially plan time to prepare for these. Summative assessments are up to 2 pieces of assessment that assess module learning outcomes for a 15-credit module, 1 piece of assessment for a 10-credit module.

Feedback will be provided within 15 working days of submission.
Knowledge and understanding are demonstrated through written assignments involving essays, reports, oral presentations, timed assessments and group work.
Intellectual and cognitive skills are demonstrated through the analysis of case studies, applying approaches from business, management and technology to support problem solving and decision-making, and the completion of problem-solving exercises Transferable skills are demonstrated through exercises including case study analyses, problem-solving exercises, individual and group presentations and the Action Learning/Startup project (see below

The programme will incorporate authentic assessment approaches – for example, projects are an important component of the programme. The curriculum combines theory with real- world projects to help sensitise students to ‘real world’ challenges and equip them with the skills to handle complex situations. The school will assist in finding appropriate partner companies.

Group work is assessed via presentations and reports. All group assignments allow for an element of individual assessment to recognise differences in individual performance, where appropriate. Peer feedback can also play a significant part in team activities and is encouraged.

In designing the assessment strategy for the programme, the course team have been careful to align with the School’s Assessment, Grading, Validation & Moderation Policy and the School’s Undergraduate (UG) Grade Descriptors.




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