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Dr Kim Soin

Dean, SP Jain London School of Management

LinkedIn Profile


  • PhD in Management Accounting at Sheffield Hallam University
    Title of dissertation: Organisational Change and the introduction of Activity Based Costing in a UK Clearing Bank (1992-1996)
  • MSc at University College of North Wales, Bangor
    Banking and Finance (1991-1992)
  • BA (Hons) at University College of North Wales, Bangor
    Banking, Insurance and Finance (1986-1989)


Kim joined the SP Jain London School of Management (SPJL) in January 2021, as founding Dean. Since then, she has seen the School through the Quality Standards Review and the Office for Students registration. Her current focus is on strategic oversight of the School, faculty issues, working with the wider SP Jain Global group, and representing SPJL in external forums. Kim’s leadership style is very inclusive. She enjoys building and developing teams that share a common vision - built on consensus and collaboration.

Kim’s research is interdisciplinary in nature and is located at the interface of accounting, risk management, regulatory practice, and organizational theory. Her current research focuses on two areas: the UK financial sector and the effects of the financial crisis in 2007–09, and the effects of marketisation and (de)regulation within UK universities. She has published in journals such as Organization Studies Organization, Organizational Research Methods, Journal of Management Inquiry, Journal of Management Studies, Management Accounting Research, and European Accounting Review.

Subjects Taught/Student Project Mentor

PhD completions: 3

  • 2017: Maria Papanikou: Title: Power Relations and Safety in Commercial Aviation: Professional Identity and occupational clashes (first supervisor) (University of Greenwich)
  • 2011: Sharon Wheatley, (Kings College London) Title: Operational risk assessment in higher education institutions (first supervisor).
  • 2011: Chinyere Uche, (Kings College London) Title: An investigation into shareholder activism in Nigeria (second supervisor).

PhD External Examiner:

  • 2013: Lim Ngan Khim, University of South Australia

    Title: How are management controls designed and used to achieve the organizations objectives?

  • 2008: Nicholas Croft, Sheffield Hallam University.

    Title: The charitable hospice in public health care and other inter-sectoral issues.

  • 2018: Philip J Hendy (to be examined in March 2018), King’s College London

    Title: Navigating the Practice: An exploration of Enterprise Risk Management at the Port of London Authority

PhD Internal Examiner: (University of London):

  • 2006: Gloria Agyemang

    Title:  Steering Education: The Case of two Local Education Authorities: Royal Holloway, University of London.

PhD Internal Examiner (University of Exeter)

  • 2014:  Sameh Ammar
  • 2015: Carlene Wynter

Areas of Expertise

  • Economics & Finance
  • Marketing & Strategy
  • Family Business Management
  • Innovation, Decision-Making & Leadership
  • World Cultures & Communication
  • Logistics & Supply Chain Management
  • E-Commerce & Technology
  • Management accounting and control
  • Organization Studies
  • Risk Management
  • Regulatory practice


Academic Experience

  • April 2020 - January 2022, Director of Postgraduate Research Students, University of Winchester, UK
  • January 2017 - March 2020, Associate Dean Postgraduate Research & Doctoral College, University of Exeter, UK
  • September 2012 - March 2019, Associate Professor, University of Exeter Business School
  • May 2011 - September 2012, Reader in Risk and Accountability, University of Greenwich Business School
  • July 1998 - May 2011, Senior Lecturer, King’s Business School, King’s College London
  • June 1997 - July 1998, Research Associate, Financial Services Research Centre, Manchester School of Management, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST)
  • October 1995 - June 1997, Lecturer in Management Accounting and Control, School of Financial Studies and Law, Sheffield Hallam University

Corporate Experience

Risk Management in Banking (ESRC IAA grant)
Organized and hosted a round table event at the Institute of Risk Management (IRM) with senior bankers, regulators (FCA, PRA and BoE), Professional Bodies (IIA) and lobby groups from which we established an Advisory Board for the project. Institute of Risk Management (IRM): wrote an article on key findings from our research to date for their practitioner publication Enterprise Risk magazine. Article available on request.

Consulting Experience

Risk Management in Universities
Commissioned by King’s College London to find ways to improve their risk management strategy.
  • Practical feedback to the University on how to have a more embedded risk management system
  • Feedback to HEFCE - developed a series of seminars and risk training workshops for senior managers
  • Academic publications (Power, Scheytt, Soin and Andersson; 2009; Soin, Huber and Wheatley, 2014)
  • Times Higher Education reported piece available here

Research Interests

Risk management, regulatory practice, and organizational theory.

Current research focuses on (i) nthe UK financial sector and the effects of the financial crisis in 2007–09, and (ii) the effects of marketisation and (de)regulation within UK universities.


Refereed Academic Journals
1. Soin K and Huber C (2021): “Compliance and resistance: How performance measures make and unmake universities” Organization

2. Soin, K., & Huber, C. (2013). The Sedimentation of an Institution: Changing Governance in U.K. Financial Services. Journal of Management Inquiry, 22(3), 260-280.

3. Power, M., Scheytt, T., Soin, K. and Sahlin, K. (2009), Reputational Risk as a Logic of Organizing in Late Modernity, Organization Studies, Special Issue on "Organizations and Risk in Late Modernity" Feb / March Vol.30, 2-3; pp. 301-324. Runner up for the EGOS Roland Calori Prize 2011.

4. Scheytt, T., Soin, K., Sahlin-Andersson, K. and Power, M. (2006) Organizations and the Management of Risk.  Editorial: Organizations, Risk and Regulation, Journal of Management Studies, 43(6): 1331-1337.

5. Soin, K and Scheytt, T. (2006). ‘Making the case for narrative methods in cross-cultural organizational research’ Organizational Research Methods, Vol. 9 No.1, pp.1-23. ISSN: 1094-4281.

6. Scheytt, T., Soin, K. and Metz, T. (2003) “Exploring Notions of Control Across Cultures: A Narrative Approach”, European Accounting Review, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 515 – 547. ISSN:0963-8180.

7. Soin, K., Seal, W. and Cullen, J. (2002) “ABC and Organizational Change: An Institutional Perspective”, Management Accounting Research, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 249-271. ISSN: 1044-5005.

Published Abstracts

1. Metz, T., Scheytt, T and Soin, K. (2000) Exploring Notions of Control Across Cultures: A Narrative Approach, in Combes C., Grant D., Keenoy T. & Oswick C. (eds) Organisational Discourse: World-views, Work-views and World-views, London, KMPC p 173. ISBN: 1900089041.

Research Reports

1. Fairman, R and Soin, K (2008) Risk Management in King’s College London. Final report submitted to College Council.

2. Soin, K. (2004) Management Accounting, Risk and Regulation: A Pilot Study of Compliance Practices in UK Financial Services. Final Report to the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA).

Guest Editorship

1. Soin, K., & Collier, P. (2013): Risk and risk management in management accounting and control. Management Accounting Research, 24(2), 82-87.

Chapters in Books

Otley, D.T and Soin.K (2014) Management Control and Uncertainty, Management Control Association (with) Palgrave Macmillan ISBN: 113739210X

Book Chapters
Otley, D. and Soin, K (2014) Editorial: Management control and uncertainty in Otley, D.T and Soin.K (2014) Management Control and Uncertainty, Management Control Association (with) Palgrave Macmillan ISBN: 113739210X

Soin, K., Huber, C. and  and Wheatley, S.  (2014) Risk Management in Universities in Otley, D.T and Soin.K (2014) Management Control and Uncertainty, Management Control Association (with) Palgrave Macmillan ISBN: 113739210X

Soin, K and Scheytt, T. (2009) Management Accounting in Financial Services, in The Handbook of Management Accounting Research, edited by Christopher Chapman, Anthony Hopwood and Michael Shields, Elsevier.

Scheytt, T. and Soin, K. (2005)‘Culture and control’ in Berry. A., Broadbent. J and Otley. D (eds.) Management Control: Theories, Issues and Performance, London: Palgrave Macmillan pp.192 - 204 ISBN: 1403935351

Morgan, G. and  Soin, K. (1999) ‘Regulatory Compliance’ in Morgan, G and Engwall, L (eds), Regulation and Organizations, London: Routledge pp.166-190 ISBN: 041518391X

Soin, K. (1995) ‘Management Control In The Financial Services Sector’ in Berry. A., Broadbent. J and Otley. D (eds.) Management Control: Theories Issues and Practices, London: Macmillan Press pp293-298 ISBN: 0333572432

Editorial and Reviewer Activities

Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management (since June 2014).


  • Accounting, Organizations and Society
  • Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
  • British Accounting Review
  • British Journal of Management
  • Critical Perspectives on Accounting
  • European Accounting Review
  • Journal of Management Studies
  • Management Accounting Research
  • Organization Studies
  • Public Money and Management

Conferences & Workshops

Conference Organization:
  • 25-26th June 2019, Management control Association joint Conference with ENROAC. University of Roehampton, London.
    • Doctoral colloquium: Organizer and faculty member (sponsored by ICAEW).
    • Member of the main conference scientific committee.
  • Management Control Association 2013, Netherlands:
    • Doctoral Colloquium: Organizer and faculty member (sponsored by ICAEW).
  • September 2012: Organizer: annual BAFA South-East Area Group (SEAG) conference - hosted by the Business School, University of Greenwich.
  • University of Greenwich (2011-12): Centre for Governance, Risk and Accountability:
    • Organized the internal seminars series with internal and external speakers.
  • Member of the organizing / scientific committee for the 8th International Management Control Association Conference, University of Greenwich, London, September 2010.
  • Co-organized the 7th International Management Control Association Conference and Doctoral Colloquium in Paris (ESPC –EAP) in September 2007.
  • Co-organized the 6th International Management Control Association Conference and Doctoral Colloquium in Edinburgh (Heriot-Watt University) in July 2004.
  • Co-convened (with Professor Michael Power (LSE), Professor Kerstin Shalin-Andersson (Uppsala University) and Dr Tobias Scheytt (Innsbruck University) a stream on ‘Risk and regulation in organizations”, at the European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 2004. This stream was highly successful and attracted academics from both Europe and the USA. This resulted in the 2006 Journal of Management Studies special issue and generated international academic interest in the area.
  • Faculty member of the Management Control Association Doctoral Colloquium preceding the 5th International Conference, Management Control Systems Research, Royal Holloway, July 2001.
  • Organiser of four Management Control Association (MCA) Workshops in the Department of Management, King’s College London, London (2000, 2001 2003, 2005).

Doctoral Activity:

  • Trondheim Business School, Norway December 2015: Keynote speaker at the Doctoral training workshop ‘Perspectives on Management Accounting and Control’.
  • UCD, Ireland, June 2014: Keynote speaker at UCD doctoral summer school
  • Management Control Association 2013, Netherlands:
    • Doctoral Colloquium: Organizer and faculty member (sponsored by ICAEW).
  • Invited faculty member at the Management Control Association Doctoral Colloquium (2007, 2004),

Awards & Recognition

  • 2011: Runner up for the European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) Roland Calori Prize. The Roland Calori Prize is awarded bi-annually for the best article published in Organization Studies over the previous two years.
  • Above and Beyond 2015 (University of Exeter) (£1,000): Services as College Director of Postgraduate Research.


  • Member Management Control Association (MCA) since 1992.
  • Council member and trustee of the Management Control Association (MCA) 1995-2021.
  • Member British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA).
  • Chair BAFA SIG: SEAG (South Eastern Accounting Group) (from Jan 2013).
  • Member BAFA Executive (from January 2013)
  • Member BAFA SIG: Accounting Education.
  • British Academy of Management (member until 2020).
  • European Accounting Association (member until 2020).
  • European Group for Organization Studies (member).
  • Control & Risk Self Assessment (CRSA) Forum (member).

Media Appearances & Coverage

1. Risk management in universities:
Soin and Huber (2013), ‘Financial Scandal!! Regulation?’ Risk & Regulation. Magazine for the Centre for the Analysis of Risk and Regulation (CARR), Winter 2013 (26), London School Economics, London http://www.lse.ac.uk/researchAndExpertise/units/CARR/publications/Risk&Regulation-Magazine.aspx

2. Soin. K and Huber. C. (2013). Serious thought needed on role of banks in society.  http://www.publicserviceeurope.com/your-say-article/150

3. Soin. K and Huber. C. (2013). Regulatory Roulette: Ladies and Gentlemen, Please Place Your Bets… https://managementink.wordpress.com/tag/legitimacy/

4. Soin, K. and Shand, R. (2013). Will there be BounceBANKability or do we have Crisis Fatigue? The role of Banks, Governance and Trust in Society
